Our practice is a GMS Practice that offers general medical services to patients.
The address for the Leicester Commissioning Group is:
NHS Leicester City
Fosse House
6 Smith Way
Grove Park
Leicester LE19 1SX
Tel: 0116 295 7500
Fax: 0116 295 7599
Practice Charter
Our practice aims to provide appropriate and accessible primary healthcare services to meet the individual and cultural healthcare needs of our practice population. Patients will be treated with courtesy and understanding in an environment where confidentiality will be maintained at all times.
We Aim To:
- Enable you to see a doctor the same day if the problem is medically urgent.
- Provide a home visit if ill health prevents you from attending the surgery.
- Process your repeat prescription requests within two working days and ask you to see a doctor/nurse every three months for a check-up if you are receiving regular medication.
- Run surgeries and clinics on time.
- Keep you informed of the services we offer and any appropriate information that affects your health and treatment.
Help Us To Help You:
- To provide an efficient and effective service by treating us with courtesy and understanding.
- Only request a visit out of surgery hours if it is a REAL EMERGENCY.
- Arrange appointments for as far in advance as is appropriate.
- Please help other patients by not requesting an urgent appointment for a problem that can wait a day or so.
- If you cannot keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible as it can always be used by someone else. Repeated failure to keep appointments without cancelling them may result in removal from our list.
- Arrive promptly for your appointment.
- To assist the practice in keeping to our appointment times, please book one appointment for one health issue you may have. This will enable the Clinician to deal thoroughly with your problems.
- Respond to letters immediately upon receipt.
- Inform us of any changes to your name/address/telephone number.
Freedom of Information - Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a Publication Scheme. A Publication Scheme is a guide to the 'classes' of information the practice intends to routinely make available.
This scheme is available from the reception.
Access to Medical Records
If you would like to see your records, please ask at reception for an application form explaining the process.